Digital self-care plan for young people

What is a Digital Self-Care Plan? 

We all have mental health. And just like our physical health, we need to look after it. By engaging in self-care we can help our mental health and wellbeing.

Our Digital Self-Care Plan is tool designed by young people, for young people to guide us. 

Create your personalised self-care plan today and take proactive steps to looking after your mental health and wellbeing.

Create my plan

“It has been so cool to be part of the design and coproduction of this which could be used in my school to help other young people.” Expert Panel Member

Your self-care journey in four steps 

Register: Sign up and register to start your self-care journey.

Explore: This self-care plan has been designed by young people, for young people. The plan includes tools to help us better understand self-care, and to help us create our own digital self-care plan.

Engage: While anyone over the age of 16 can use the plan, the plan was designed specifically for 16 to 24-year-olds.

Practise: The plan is completely free of charge, and we encourage you to use the tools and resources as much as you would like. If you find it useful, why not share with your friends or family?

Thank you

Thank you to the young people expert group panel and to the young people at Toonspeak for helping us to design and develop this Digital Self-Care Plan.

We would also like to thank our charity partner Co-op for funding the creation of this plan. 

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