Schools, Colleges & Further Education
Education is where young people spend much of their time, so it is a key setting for providing mental health support.
While being in education and studying can be an exciting and interesting time, it can also be challenging, and it may affect young people’s mental health at times. So it’s important that alongside their academic studies, young people receive an education in mental health.
Student mental health is a hugely important issue. Schools, colleges, universities and further education settings will usually offer mental health and wellbeing support, but provision can be inconsistent and patchy between institutions; and demand for services like student counselling is outstripping availability.
If young people are emotionally unwell, they will find it harder to learn. And unless the adults in their lives feel informed about mental health, they won’t be equipped to support them when they need it.
Thanks to our brilliant fundraisers and supporters, SAMH has a range of resources for teachers and is delivering a programme of activity in schools, in colleges, and with specialist mental health teams across Scotland.
Children & young people workshops
We deliver mental health workshops to children, young people and the adults around them.
Resources for teachers
Our e-learning resource equips teachers with skills to support good mental health.
Fundraising in schools
We would love you to get involved, and have lots of ideas to help you support Scotland’s mental health.
PSE Lesson Plans
Access our free Personal and Social Education (PSE) lessons around mental health and wellbeing.