Resources for Teachers

Teachers play a key role in young people’s lives.

In a SAMH survey, teachers told us they didn’t feel that they had sufficient training in mental health to allow them to carry out their role.

We have a range of resources available for teachers and school staff below, so that you feel confident when it comes to positive conversations around mental health and wellbeing.

Scottish Government’s Professional Learning Resource

See Scottish Government resources for all school staff

Anti-bullying Resources

See resources from respectme, Scotland's anti-bullying service

Stigma & Discrimination Resources

Visit See Me's anti-stigma resources

Online resource for young people

Our Digital Self-Care Plan for 16 to 24-year-olds

E-learning for teachers

Access the free, online resources here

Information for Young People

We worked with young people across Scotland to develop specific resources and information guides on topics that are most important to them.

Find out more about our resources