PSE Lessons
PSE lessons
Welcome to our Personal and Social Education (PSE) lessons around mental health and wellbeing.
You can browse all our lessons below.
How to use our lessons
Lessons are specific to each level and have been developed with attention to the age, stage and mental health learning needs of children and young people. All early years and primary lessons last 45 minutes to one hour, while all secondary lessons last 40 minutes.
We have split lessons for each level into topics, and developed the lessons within each topic to run one after the other. We recommend that you work through each lesson in order and complete the full topic. However, each topic on its own can also support positive mental health and wellbeing.
The teacher handbook includes all PSE mental health and wellbeing lessons for the relevant learning stage. Each level has accompanying printable resources and the second, third/fourth and senior levels also have accompanying PowerPoint presentations.
Learn more
These lessons have been tested in schools, with feedback from children, young people and teachers helping us get them ready for use. If you would like to know more about SAMH’s work with children and young people, including our work in schools, please contact
Campaigning for children and young people
SAMH has been campaigning for better mental health support for children and young people since 2017, when we launched our ‘Going To Be’ campaign. The campaign highlighted the three children in every classroom who will develop a mental health problem by the age of 16, but will often struggle to get the help they need.