SAMH Stories

We all have mental health

Anyone can experience a mental health problem. Sharing stories can offer hope and inspiration. Read from the people we support, our staff and the people who fundraise or campaign for SAMH. Note that these are the stories of individuals which have been written in their own words; and views do not represent those of SAMH.

Find out more about sharing your story or becoming a SAMH media volunteer.

Becky’s story

Becky reflects on the challenges of motherhood and mental health after experiencing postnatal anxiety and depression.

Mick’s story

Mick joined Achieving Active Lives to help tackle his depression and anxiety

Rebecca’s story

Rebecca's shares her journey from struggling with her appearance to competing in pageants.

Tom’s story

Tom, a trainee at our therapeutic horticulture service Chrysalis, shares their experience of using the garden. 

Shoana’s story

Following physical health problems, Shoana came to our Chrysalis and Growing Chrysalis services.

Finlay’s story

With the help of The Hive, Finlay has started managing his bipolar disorder.

Bailey’s story

From the age of eight, Bailey has struggled to get the support he needed.

Kiera’s story

Kiera describes how therapeutic gardening helped her manage her ADHD

Samantha’s Story

Samantha shares her experience with SAMH's employment team, as a client and now as an employee.