SAMH Stories

We all have mental health

Anyone can experience a mental health problem. Sharing stories can offer hope and inspiration. Read from the people we support, our staff and the people who fundraise or campaign for SAMH. Note that these are the stories of individuals which have been written in their own words; and views do not represent those of SAMH.

Find out more about sharing your story or becoming a SAMH media volunteer.

Helen’s Story

Since the onset of menopause, Helen has focused on keeping exercise fun and sociable to help maintain her wellbeing.

Catherine’s Story

Catherine shares how exercise, HRT and her social group have helped her mental and physical health during menopause.


Alex-marie shares how speaking about past trauma has helped her manage anxiety, depression and panic attacks.

Vyara’s story

Vyara recently began practising self-care after struggling with depression and an eating disorder.

Megan’s story

Megan is a SAMH supporter who completed 20 fundraising challenges in 2022.

Callum's story

Callum shares why he would advise anyone to seek support 'when your bad days become regular'.

Jamie's story

For Jamie, suicidal thoughts were like a rhythm that played in his mind consistently.

Lynda's story

Lynda attends our Chrysalis project in Dundee, which has helped her to focus and learn new skills.

Stuart’s story

Through the support of his local community and voluntary work, Stuart was able to better manage his Paranoid Schizophrenia.