SAMH Stories

We all have mental health

Anyone can experience a mental health problem. Sharing stories can offer hope and inspiration. Read from the people we support, our staff and the people who fundraise or campaign for SAMH. Note that these are the stories of individuals which have been written in their own words; and views do not represent those of SAMH.

Find out more about sharing your story or becoming a SAMH media volunteer.

Ryan's story

Despite several suicide attempts, Sue had to try time and time again to get her son Ryan the support he needed from mental health services.

Allana's story

After a challenging year for all of us, Allana decided to take part in the Virtual SAMH Stomp to do something for others.

Harry's Story

Harry is one many children who have been rejected from support. His story is one that we want to help change for the better.

Calum's Story

After being out of education for so long, Calum was terrified to go to college - then he met Laura.

Maddy's story

Maddy shares how she's used her experiences of anxiety and post-natal depression to help others by delivering mental health training.

Paul's story

Paul opens up about how CBT and talking about his mental health with loved ones helped him manage his anxiety.

Tina's Story

Tina shares her story about her Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and suicidal thoughts and what helped her look after herself.

Robert's story

After a tough year, Robert knew he needed help. A love of football led him to The Changing Room, which helped him to open up.

Sarah's story

After the sudden loss of her mother, Sarah also had to struggle to get mental health support for her daughter.