SAMH Stories
We all have mental health
Anyone can experience a mental health problem. Sharing stories can offer hope and inspiration. Read from the people we support, our staff and the people who fundraise or campaign for SAMH. Note that these are the stories of individuals which have been written in their own words; and views do not represent those of SAMH.
Find out more about sharing your story or becoming a SAMH media volunteer.
Jo's Story
Teacher Jo has learned to prioritise her mental wellbeing so that she can give her pupils 100%.
Craig's story
Craig struggled with depression after being diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.
Simon's story
Simon took part in SAMH Stomp to do what he could to ensure no one goes without the treatment and support they need.
Debbie's story
Debbie has spent the last 12 years fighting to get her sons the support they need.
Greg's story
Growing up, Greg often felt isolated and confused. When his CAMHS support was withdrawn he felt completely on his own.
Alexandra's story
For Alexandra happiness used to seem like an impossible ideal.
Julie's story
Julie offers a familiar and trusted face to many at The Hive.
Sandra's Story
Through the loss of her son, Sandra has helped others.