Lynda’s story

Lynda is an attendee and volunteer at Chrysalis, a SAMH horticulture service in Dundee. Her time at Chrysalis helps Lynda to focus, gives her a routine, and has taught her lots of new skills.

My mental health has always been a problem. I was always reclusive and not confident at all. With experiences of bullying throughout my school years and adulthood, my mental health issues were made worse.

“It's been five years since my lowest mental health point and I can now honestly say that my mental health is at the best that it's ever been and that's down to SAMH’s Chrysalis project.

“I feel more focused when I’ve been. Coming along every week keeps me in a routine and keeps me sane. I’ve found that if I have free time during the week I sometimes just pop by and say hello. Speaking to others here really lifts my mood.

“Chrysalis has helped with my mental health because I’m not a people person. But coming here has helped me talk to others. Various different people come to this garden and I feel confident to chat with them. The activities that are delivered give us a common interest to strike up a conversation with someone new.

“The staff have always pushed me to do my best and believed in my abilities and given me tasks that would improve my skills, but other service users were also a key part in my recovery as they helped my confidence in meeting and talking to new people.

“Chrysalis is important because it’s gets people out and about, doing conservation work, planting, and learning new skills. For the first time in over five years I feel really optimistic about my future and the project has given me the confidence in even considering going back to college to study animal care.”