8th December 2023
COP28 and overcoming climate anxiety
As COP28 takes place in Dubai, SAMH's Chloe Campbell blogs on climate anxiety and how it is affecting young people.
If you have a media enquiry please email the communications team: communications@samh.org.uk or call: 0141 530 1000.
8th December 2023
As COP28 takes place in Dubai, SAMH's Chloe Campbell blogs on climate anxiety and how it is affecting young people.
5th December 2023
Billy Watson, Chief Executive of SAMH, responds to the Scottish Government's 2022 Scottish Health Survey
30th November 2023
Hear from Kirsty Ewen at SAMH on who we're proud to be supporting Scottish Disability Sport Week and playing our part in highlighting how and …
30th November 2023
28th November 2023
Billy Watson, Chief Executive of SAMH, responds to the Scottish Government and COSLA's self harm strategy.
23rd November 2023
Billy Watson, Chief Executive of SAMH, responds to the UK's Autumn budget statement
7th November 2023
Billy Watson, Chief Executive of SAMH, on the publication of the Scottish Government and COSLA’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Delivery Plan.
6th November 2023
Scotland’s mental health charity has marked the end of its centenary by unveiling a new name: SAMH, Scottish Action for Mental Health.
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