Blog | Celebrating SAMH and Co-op’s partnership at the Scottish Parliament

9th December 2022

On 15 November, SAMH hosted its annual reception at the Scottish Parliament. The event brings together those with an interest in SAMH’s work, allowing colleagues and the people who benefit from our services to meet with programme partners, campaigners and MSPs.  

Sponsored by Bill Kidd MSP, this year’s reception - ‘Together Through Tough Times: Community Resilience from Research to Reality’ - celebrated the success of the Co-op National Charity Partnership. Bringing together Co-op, Mind, SAMH, and Inspire, this partnership was created with the purpose of helping communities to improve mental health and wellbeing and support resilience. 

In 2021, Co-op and its charity partners published the report, 'Together Through Tough Times', which identified the characteristics of, and the means to encourage, community resilience. The partnership went on to deliver an astonishing fundraising effort which enabled SAMH to set up and run a series of community mental health services across Scotland, taking the work from research to reality. £1.6 million was raised in Scotland, unlocking our ability to establish 16 community resilience services. As such, the Parliamentary Reception also showcased the impact and success of our Co-op-funded services. 

Guests heard from Theresa and Lynda, both of whom use Co-op-funded SAMH services. They shared how their local service has positively impacted their lives and improved their mental health. Before visiting SAMS in Inverclyde, Theresa hadn't left her home for 30 years. Speaking via video at the reception, she said: 

“Since coming, I’ve managed to get myself out the front door… For me to have done that, it’s like I’ve conquered the world.” 

Kevin Stewart MSP (Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care), Billy Watson (Chief Executive of SAMH) and Jo Anderson (Director of Influence and Change at SAMH) reiterated the benefits of collaborative working to support community-based mental health services. 

"I’m encouraged to see how different sectors and organisations can work effectively together [...] SAMH and the Co-op show us how community resilience can develop.” - Kevin Stewart MSP 

Celebrations in the Scottish Parliament continued on 16 November, where Bill Kidd MSP had secured a Business Members’ Debate to bring attention to the ‘Together Through Tough Times’ report in the Chamber. MSPs from different parties spoke of the necessity of encouraging and maintaining community resilience, paying tribute to our work and that of community groups in their own constituencies. 

“SAMH’s work, and the work of local community organisations, is transforming lives.” – Bill Kidd MSP  

We would like to give a warm thanks to those who attended our Parliamentary Reception and contributed to the Members’ Business Debate, showcasing this vital piece of research and successful partnership on a public platform. We are grateful to all those who have supported the Co-op National Charity Partnership, for enabling SAMH to transform research into reality and deliver innovative services in communities across Scotland to ensure people receive the mental health and community support they need. 

You can watch the full Business Members’ Debate from 16 November below.

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