Redhall Walled Garden
Redhall Walled Garden is a therapeutic horticultural service based in an 18th Century Walled Garden.
In a beautiful outdoor setting we support people towards improved mental and physical health and wellbeing through a range of horticultural and therapeutic activities and support.
Trainees join our Redhall community and contribute to the maintenance and development of our public estate. Through this work trainees build positive relationships with each other and our staff team, build structure into their weeks, develop confidence through increased knowledge and skills and work towards individualised outcomes and goals.
"Redhall gave me a connection with nature and the seasons. The work allowed me to escape the negative thoughts I was bound up in." - Simon
Research shows that gardening activity is highly effective at increasing physical fitness, strength and mobility as well as alleviating anxiety, stress and low mood. Our Employability Worker supports trainees in their goals towards education, volunteering and employment.
See our garden below:
Our garden is open for visitors Monday, Tuesday and Friday 9am–4pm
If you're looking for support, you can get in touch with the team by phone on 0131 443 0946, or email at:
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Every year 1 in 4 of us in Scotland will experience a mental health problem.