SAMH Views

Our SAMH’s Views set out our position on different areas of public policy that affect people with mental health problems.

Mental Health Support

Our SAMH’s Views on mental health support outline what changes we want to see to ensure that everyone can easily access the support they need for their mental health:

  • SAMH’s View on Suicide Prevention
  • SAMH’s View on Student Mental Health
  • SAMH’s View on Psychological Therapies
  • SAMH’s View on Social Care Charging
  • SAMH’s View on Self-Harm

Promoting Good Mental Health

Our SAMH’s Views on promoting good mental health outline what needs to change to ensure that everyone is empowered to look after their mental health:

  • SAMH’s View on Physical Activity and Sport
  • SAMH’s View on Employment
  • SAMH’s View on Social Security
  • SAMH’s View on Debt

Inclusion, Participation and Rights

Our SAMH’s Views on inclusion, participation and rights outline what changes we are calling for to ensure that people experiencing mental health problems are empowered to participate in society and have full access to their rights:

  • SAMH’s View on Compulsory Care and Treatment