Fundraising Ideas
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions…
We’ve got lots of ideas for you, it’s just a matter of deciding which one. Here’s some stuff to help you.
Fundraise virtually and at home with Team SAMH.
The way we fundraise has changed due to coronavirus, but you can still make a difference for Scotland’s mental health.

Whatever you decide to do, we’d love to be part of your team. Get in touch at
Fun with Friends
Film House
Turn your home into a cinema for the evening. Watch a marathon of your favourite films with friends and popcorn. Donate your usual cinema expense to SAMH.
Come Dine with Me
Recreate the popular TV show with friends. Remember connecting with people and enjoying good company is great for our wellbeing. You can also have a great time scoring each other at the end of each evening. Donate the savings you’ve made by not eating out.
With Colleagues or Classmates
Feel Good Friday
Wind down your wardrobe in preparation for the weekend and hold a dress down day at work or school. Charge everyone to wear a onesie or set a fancy dress theme.
Bake Yourself Happy
Let’s face it we’ve all been inspired by a certain TV programme. Calling all bakers to turn on the oven and share your feel-good food for a donation. You could even turn it into a competition as you gather everyone into one place to chat over cake. I’m sure it won’t be hard to find some judges!
The Joke Box
A guaranteed laugh in exchange for a £1. Print lots of jokes and ask your colleagues or classmates to donate a £1 to pick one out and read it. Lots of money raised alongside lots of laughing – brilliant!
Going Solo
Great Minds Accept Change
Get in touch and order your home money box, fill it with your loose change and donate to SAMH.
Positive Steps
Change your route to work for a week; walk instead and donate your usual travel costs to SAMH. Or how about getting off two stops earlier and getting your extra walking sponsored.
You Smartie
A Smarties tube can hold 27 pound coins. Offer your friends some chocolate in exchange for them helping to fill the tube.
Hair Raising
Whether you want to grow it, shave it or wax it; your hair can raise a lot of money!