Our Fundraising Promises
Our promise to you
SAMH is committed to the Fundraising Codes of Practice as set out by the Fundraising Regulator.
We support their work to ensure that organisations raising money from the public do so honestly and properly. Transparency and accountability are very important to us here at SAMH, especially when it comes to fundraising.
We promise to respect you
We will not put you under any pressure to donate to us, and that goes for any agencies working on our behalf, and we will always make it easy for you to unsubscribe from our communications, if that’s what you would like.
We promise not to share your details
We will keep your details safe and not share them with any third party.
We promise to honour your donation
We value everyone who makes a donation and will make sure your gift is applied to the area of work you have chosen to support.
We promise to process your donation securely
However you donate, your details and payment will be secure.
We promise to thank you
We will always thank you for every donation, and we aim to do so within five working days.
We promise to keep you updated
We will keep you informed about how your donation is making a difference, through the method most suitable to you.
We promise not to take you for granted
We are grateful to all our supporters and Team SAMH wouldn’t be the same without you. However you choose to raise money for SAMH, your support and commitment means the world to us. Thank you.
These are our fundraising promises to you. If you ever want to get in touch to talk about these promises or anything else relating to fundraising, please email us at fundraising@samh.org.uk or call us on 0141 530 1028.