Young People’s Panel Application
SAMH Young People’s Panel
Are you aged 12-23 and and passionate about children and young people’s mental health? Do you want to help to directly shape our work on this?
Apply below to be part of SAMH’s first ever Young People’s Panel!
This unique and brand new opportunity will see you part of a team of young people supported by SAMH staff to design and deliver campaigns and services for children and young people’s mental health.
As part of the panel you will:
- Lead on, and deliver, activism activity
- Help to shape and support SAMH public awareness and political campaigns on children and young people’s mental health
- Advise on SAMH children and young people’s delivery programmes
It will involve:
- Committing around 6 hours a month (likely across evenings/weekends) for 2 years
- Monthly online meetings with the panel
- 2-4 in person meet ups a year
- Regular communication with SAMH leadership team and teams acoss SAMH
- Designing and delivering events
- Setting up and delivering campaign actions
This is an exciting opportunity for you to share your skills, and develop new ones! As part of the panel you will benefit from:
- Skill building – teamwork, administrative and employability skills (e.g. chairing and minuting meetings), employability skills, organisation and more
- Dedicating valuable hours towards the mental health cause
- Training in mental health and campaigning/activism
- Expenses covered
- Young Scot rewards points
- Support for gaining Saltire Awards
About you
To apply for the Young People’s Panel, you must be:
- Aged 12-23 at time of application (you can apply until your 24th birthday)
- Have an interest in Young People’s mental health
- Be able to commit to approximately 6 hours per month for the next two years
- Live in Scotland
There are only a limited number of spaces on the young people’s panel, and we will look to recruit people from a wide range of diverse backgrounds, and a geographical spread across Scotland.
To apply, please complete the form below. We will then be inviting applicants to a Recruitment Day, currently scheduled for 9 November (more details will be emailed ahead of this).
We will be hosting two drop in Q&A sessions, for people interested in applying (and for parents/carers) to find out more and ask any questions. We will send out a link to join this virtually in due course.
- 26 September (drop into call anytime between 5pm-7.30pm - meeting link here)
- 16th October (5.30-7pm, please sign up via the link here)
If you'd like to discuss anything privately, please contact to set up a call time.
Applications closing 21 October.
Apply to the Young People’s Panel!
Apply now via the form below.

Please complete the form below. In completing this form you will be applying for the Young People's Panel, and will also be signed up as a SAMH Youth Activist.
If you change your mind, have any questions, or want to submit this form in a different format, please contact
Fields with an asterisk (*) must be completed.
Youth Participation Information and Privacy Notice
Please read our Privacy & Cookies Policy.
In signing up, you'll also be added to our Youth Activists group. Find out more about that here.