Recycling for Good Causes

You can turn unwanted items into donations for SAMH by using Recycling for Good Causes.

As well as supporting SAMH's work for Scotland‘s mental health, this is great for the environment as fewer of your items will be sent to landfill.

We use a company called Recycling for Good Causes, who accept items on our behalf, and send us 75% of the profits. Through them you can recycle: 

•    Jewellery (including costume jewellery)
•    Watches
•    Stamps
•    Currency - UK or foreign, even out of circulation
•    Mobile phones
•    Cameras
•    Gadgets (sat-navs, MP3 players, games consoles, etc)

We cannot accept charging cables for these devices.

How to recycle for SAMH


All kinds of stamps are welcome, on or off paper. Simply cut or carefully rip the postage stamp from the used envelope, being careful that you don’t damage the stamp, and once you have a collection, pop them in an envelope with the correct postage applied and addressed to:

Scottish Action for Mental Health (SAMH).
PO Box 16992
Sutton Coldfield
B73 9YA

Small and light items

If you are looking to recycle things like watches, jewellery (broken or costume) or foreign/out of circulation bank notes and everything will fit into an envelope no bigger than A5, you can send them using this Freepost address: 

Scottish Action for Mental Health (SAMH)
Unit 14
Amber Business Village
Amber Close
B77 4RP

No stamps to the Freepost address, please - see the instructions further up the page regarding stamps.

Larger and heavier items

If your items are too big or heavy to fit into an A5 envelope, please send (not Freepost - you will need to add postage) or deliver these to our head office:

SAMH Fundraising Team
Brunswick House 
51 Wilson Street
G1 1UZ

If you deliver these in person to the office, please leave your name and phone number or email address so the team can send an acknowledgement.

If you have more than 10kg of items to be recycled, you can arrange for a free collection by Recycling for Good Causes. Please get in touch with for more information.

We do not receive information about individual donations from Recycling for Good Causes, but please know we will be so grateful for anything you send in.

If you want to know more about them, you can check them out here.